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Severe Weather Play

Severe Weather Play Guidelines
 Some of the most common severe weather conditions for our region are:
  • Hot weather – risks of dehydration, heat exhaustion or heat stroke, sunburns
  • Cold weather – hypothermia
  • Thunder and Lightning Storms
  • Dust/Smoke (Air quality)

Hot Weather

When temperatures and humidity rise above normal levels, the potential for risk arises. Be aware of these dangers and be prepared to stop or delay games (or practices) to ensure proper hydration. The proper and continued hydration of players and volunteers is essential starting at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled event. Sunscreen of appropriate strength should be applied frequently.
Cold Weather

Risk of hypothermia, frostbite and injury from numbness are avoidable. Consider canceling games (or practices) when the weather is cold enough that players are adversely affected by it. Freezing rain, hail, snow, sleet or heavy rain can cause field conditions to deteriorate rapidly. Check field conditions before and during games (and practices). Be prepared to stop or delay games if severe weather conditions cause the field to become unsafe for participants.
Thunder and Lightning Storms

Always delay or cancel practices and games in the event of a thunder and lightning storm. Thunder and lightning storms are very serious and participants should never be allowed to practice or play games in a thunder and lightning storm. Wait a minimum of 30 minutes after no thunder has been heard to restart practices or games. Never wait for the rain to start before seeking shelter and do not leave the shelter just because the rain has ended. When thunder is heard, the lightning is within striking distance.
Dust/Smoke (Air Quality)

Here in the Willamette Valley, both dust (from field plowing and harvesting) and smoke (from fires) can reduce the air quality dramatically in a rather short period of time. Please exercise caution when considering whether or not to hold practices or games. If the air quality is low and visibility is poor, consider canceling practices or moving them to a different time or location when the air quality is better. Many participants could have allergies or asthma that might be severely aggravated by poor air quality.
Other Emergency Planning

Wild fires, earthquakes, tornados, and chemical disasters occur without warning. Having a safety plan in place for these variables and the ability to obtain air quality advisement reports is highly advisable. Good judgment is very important. When there is doubt, always err on the side of caution.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 870

PO Box 1923 
Albany, Oregon 97321

Email Us: [email protected]