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It's About What's Good For The Kids

AYSO is an all-volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are volunteers. Over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.

AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.

AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!

AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills.

We appreciate all that you do!

Every hour of time that you volunteer each season is an important contribution to your Region!

How does AYSO protect its volunteers and athletes?

Safe Haven™
Safe Haven™ is a program designed to address a growing need for child and volunteer protection. There are four elements in the Safe Haven™ intervention cycle: Create Policies, Screen Volunteers, Train Volunteers, and Promote Education and Awareness. These are intended to stop child abuse and its agents before they get into the program.

The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997
This law grants immunity from certain types of prosecution for volunteers who meet its requirements. In order to receive full protection under the law, AYSO volunteers must: 1. be properly trained and certified; 2. be performing duties as laid out in a position description; 3. act within the scope of AYSO’s Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

AYSO Certification
AYSO’s goal is to provide training certification for all its volunteers. Certification offers the hope that every AYSO child will be treated with understanding, compassion, and respect.

Kids Zone™
The national media has focused on the negative, even violent, behavior of players, coaches and parents involved in youth sports. Kids Zone™ is a dynamic program targeted to eliminate negative sideline behavior. Kids Zone™ buttons and signs are distributed throughout the Region and parents are asked to sign the Kids Zone™ Pledge promising to behave within the guidelines of the program.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 870

PO Box 1923 
Albany, Oregon 97321

Email Us: [email protected]